this is aaronland

a colophon for bias

debate is history

On the last day of my trip to the UK I delivered one of the keynotes at the The Search is Over! workshop. Unfortunately I was the guy who delivered a talk and was then all like Sorry folks, I'm so busy I have to run a catch a airplane! but the circumstances of my visit meant I needed to do exactly that.

I was able to stay for a short amount of time after my talk and that was lovely and I am grateful to Mitchell Whitelaw and the other oragnizers for the invitation.

I've included my slides below, mostly for posterity. I didn't have notes for this talk as it was largely a history and consideration of work the museum has done to make sense of its own collection so the arrangement of the slides will have to serve as their own narrative. Towards the end I touched on the idea of a colophon for bias and by extension an iconography of bias, a subject I hope to write about a bit more on the Cooper Hewitt Labs blog soon.