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Thursday, May 06 2004


I will post these stylesheets in the next day or so...


# currently requires the saxon:distinct()
# function- I gather the xsltsl libraries
# define similar hooks but I haven't tested
# them yet

# I know this isn't how you're supposed to
# load java thingies :

EXEC_SAXON='javavm -jar /usr/local/share/java/classes/saxon.jar'

# XSL_EXPAND inherits : 

# /home/asc/lib/xsl/rdf/expand-resources.xsl
# base class/framework for expanding resources

# /home/asc/lib/xsl/rdf/expand-wordnet.xsl
# the rdf wordnet output is especially verbose
# so we perform some additional hoop-jumping

# /home/asc/lib/xsl/rdf/expand-asc-knows.xsl
# glue to expand x-urn:aaronstraupcope:* resources


# dump.rdf is the output created by 
# jpegrdf -s ~/photos/*/*/*/*.jpg


# see below


# first remove all the exif properties
# except dateTime; further munge dateTime
# into a resource


# do a first pass and try to expand
# all the foreign resources in the
# document - at a minimum this will
# expand x-urn:asc:knows:where# / vcard
# locality resources. think :

# <rdf:Description rdf:about = "some-picture.jpg">
#  <dc:coverage rdf:resource = "x-urn:asc:knows:where#montreal" />
# </rdf:Description>

# <rdf:Description rdf:about = "x-urn:asc:knows:where#montreal">
#  <rdf:type rdf:resource = "" />
#  <dc:title>Montréal</dc:title>
#  <vcard:Region rdf:resource = "x-urn:asc:knows:where#qc" />
# </rdf:Description>

# <!-- and so on -->


# this is a pretty clunky approach but
# it works as a proof of concept: do another
# two passes over the output in order to
# expand vcard locality/region and then
# region/country resources.

# a better way to do this would be to create
# separate stylesheets to expand only regions
# or countries since there may be other second
# or third level resources that you don't care
# about expanding.

# at a minimum there are hooks to prevent the
# same resource from being expanded twice in 
# the output document


# clean up

rm ${TMP1}
rm ${TMP2}
rm ${TMP3}

refers to


Monday, May 03 2004 ←  → Friday, May 07 2004