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Friday, February 07 2003

Ben Rooney : PowerPoint of view

[O]utliners force us into a way of thinking that is actively inimical to creativity. They corral us down a linear pathway. They make us focus on what we just thought, rather than freeing us for what to think next. They are entirely left-brain tools and, while they may offer an illusion of rationality and control, what they largely do is prevent us thinking.

refers to


Not to piss too hard on the revisionist parade surrounding GreyMatter today,

but the program sucked as many rocks back then as it still does now. I was pleased to see that Noah has released the code under a Creative Commons license because the initial terms were partly responsible for my not being very interested in submitting fixes and hacks. So, I downloaded the latest tarball and, lo, nothing much has changed. File and directories are both still world writable, passwords are passed around, clear-text in <hidden> fields and the wheel continues to be re-invented which is either the mark of folly, idiocy or both. And it's got to be some of the ugliest code you'll ever see in your life. see also : [Most] third-party weblog setups are fuct from the start (you'll have to scroll down a ways)

refers to


Luke Andrews on the Canadian hinterland and Hogtown

see also : Peter Scowen on places where actual politics replaces yes/no/yes/no/yes/no; not be confused with a very funny song about U.I. whose chorus was yes, yes, yes, no, yes!

refers to


Thursday, February 06 2003 ←  → Saturday, February 08 2003