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Friday, January 31 2003

Never mind the Friday Five, I propose the Daily Three.

Just as the Catholic Church has managed to fill the entire calendar with a Saint Someone-or-other day, perhaps it is time for the left-of-center press in the U.S. to fill the calendar with daily specials on why Some-country-or-another hates America. In November, it was the Germans and today it appears to be the French: 1, 2, 3. I'm sure that there are thoughtful people, right of the center, who engage in their own hand-wringing over this kind of thing but they are noticeably few and far between many apparently having gone off to get drunk and party with the Let God Sort 'em Out crowd. What is it about American popular opinion, or atleast what passes itself off as popular opinion, that gets its panties all tied in knots over anything but unconditional love? Meanwhile, the French and the Americans consider bombing Saskatchewan.


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Anne Troake : Pretty Big Dig


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Matt Sergeant : AxKit OpenOffice Provider

The product includes an AxKit plugin, an AxKit provider and DTDs and Stylesheets to make delivering SXW files to the web a trivial matter, and the results are pretty too.

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Thursday, January 30 2003 ←  → Saturday, February 01 2003