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Saturday, June 03 2000

Snort bargle blap

Can someone explain why art stores are so loathe to sell pencils with erasers on the ends?



bargle blap (uerp)


The Big Trip

Tarano or bust!


The iBall Project

"is a Distributed Production, MultiThreaded video. It is called a Distributed Production because anyone with an interest is encouraged to contribute a video clip to continue and extend the story line. It is MultiThreaded because each producer can choose where to attach their clip allowing multiple story lines, or threads, to develop from the root scene." via macintouch

refers to


I pity the young children of parents who read this...

"I tell the kids that if they're lucky enough to win, I will take full credit, and Mr. Shapiro will take full credit, and the principal and the district superintendent will take credit, and the Board of Ed and the borough president will take credit, and their parents will take credit. And whatever is left over is theirs." And maybe that's enough for the kids, but it is still a fucked up way to approach your life and your relations with others.

refers to


Ask most people in Montreal

who they want to win the Cup this year and you'll probably get alot of teeth gnashing and indecision.


Terrance Brannon :

"Ever had a list of things you needed to neetly format into a set of HTML table rows? Well, look no further my friend. For the low, low price of 0.00 you too can reform you data into a neat set of lists and produce tables from it."

refers to


Friday, June 02 2000 ←  → Friday, June 09 2000