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Monday, May 22 2000

I swore I would never learn C.

I bought an eyemodule. Every once in a while I get niche-marketed so well that I set aside all my bile and hatred and general misgivings of humanity to become the model consumer; I bought one of these as soon as I heard about them. I don't know much about the guts of the PalmOS but I do know that everything is stored magic Palm databases. Deep down, I knew this when I bought the camera but it was still a huge let down when I realized that I could use network apps to talk to the Network and I could use the camera to take pictures but there is still no easy way to make the two play together. I want to be able to take pictures on the road and email them to others *while* I'm on the road. It's a PDA for crying out load! Okay, so the Palm doesn't grok JPEGs (bad) but there is no way for me to "talk" to the cameras image database from another Palm app without rolling my own. If I could then I would be able to send MIME-encoded gibberish to a mailbot and only have to munge stuff once. I'm not sure who I'm pointing fingers at, but I want to point them at someone because I really don't want to learn C....


The Arts Today : Art on the Web

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"automatically retrieves the stories from several news websites, trims off extraneous HTML, and converts them into formats you can read on your Palm computing device for later reading on-the-move. ... In short, it's neat."

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Lincoln Stein talks brass tacks about

in the most recent issue of The Perl Journal ( which has re-enabled its subscription block after a momentary walk on the wild side. ) Meanwhile, Clinton Wong's Web Client Programming with Perl has been openbook-ed.

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You'd almost think they were talking about weblogs...

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Sunday, May 21 2000 ←  → Tuesday, May 23 2000