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Friday, April 07 2000

Claude Ryan

"Accordez-vous au gouvernement du Québec le mandat de réaliser l'indépendance du Québec et sa séparation politique du Canada, en conformité avec la Constitution canadienne?" see also : the already much linked-to I am Canadian. (quicktime) This is an hilarious commercial. It is a real shame, therfore, that it is for such terrible beer. For those of you who think that drinking Molson is exotic, I assure you it's not. No matter what part of the world you are reading this from, I bet there is a superior local micro-brew. Really.

refers to


James Boyle

"In the Microsoft case, indeed in almost all of the digital monopoly cases, the dominant company will have to build its strategies around the contours of the original state monopoly we call intellectual property. Expand those rights, and the monopolies form quicker, grow larger. The New Yorker was right about the power of standards. Design the rights more carefully in the first place and the Justice Department may never need to get involved. ... Across the board, intellectual property rights are being dramatically expanded in the belief that this is somehow required by the dynamics of the information age. Viewed from this perspective, Jackson's sweeping factual conclusions, his attempts to armor his decision against appellate review, seem almost quaint. On the other side of town, the intellectual property machine chugs on, granting the guild privileges of the information age."

refers to


Michael Swaine

"The fact that Dave pointed me to the text in the link to the page raises some interesting questions about just what Tim Berners-Lee had in mind when he gave us this incredible hypertext system. The sentence "I've added a scripting news page." is surely just a statement of fact that I don't think Dave or anyone could object to. Dave doesn't, apparently, object to my having a page that tracks scripting news, but just to my naming it "scripting news," by which he apparently means this link. Does turning two of the words into a link change it into an encroachment on Dave's turf?"

refers to


Thursday, April 06 2000 ←  → Sunday, April 09 2000