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Friday, December 03 1999

Never mind the passengers

what we need is a Pilots Bill of Rights. real evil g2 (starts 14m15)


Richard Martineau

"Autre théorie; même langage froid qui rabaisse tout au niveau de la productivité. Pour les marxistes, l'homme n'est qu'un pion que l'on déplace sur l'échiquier de la Révolution. Pour les tenants du néolibéralisme, il n'est qu'une boule que l'on fait glisser au bas d'un abaque. Marx is alive and well and playing at the New York Stock Exchange."

refers to


Jessamyn West

"While violence and scary terrorists may make good stories and sell a lot of papers, I think the real story here is how a couple thousand people, standing up for what they believe in, could bring a city to its knees, non-violently. You do not need to fear anarchists for the reasons you think you do."

refers to


LA Weekly : Down the Tubes

"[WEEE] would put the burden of cleaning up the electronic-waste stream, and cleaning up electronic products themselves, squarely on manufacturers. They would be obliged to take back all their electronic and electric products (from mainframes and note pads, to toasters, toys and stoves) when those products are kaput, and to provide and pay for home collection. Distributors would have to offer to take back, free of charge, a worn-out item for every new item they sell."

refers to


Thursday, December 02 1999 ←  → Monday, December 06 1999