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Tuesday, August 17 1999


Now I know what to answer if anyone from O'Reilly ever asks which animal I'd like to be. Speaking of which, here's a still from a project that never really got off the ground. via braindump.

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Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!

The Ninth Judicial Court of Florida has begun broadcasting"live" on the web (requires the evil g2 player.) Maybe if this is a success, we can start doing live broadcasts from prisons. Maybe if that's successful I can make millions setting up a website where people from all over the world can "adopt a prisoner".

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Saturday Night on Kalle Lasn

"Like the car out back, it's not the glue that's important, it's the idea of the glue." Lasn is the founder of the Media Foundation and editor of adbusters

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Peter Gzosky talks with Samuel Hollander

"Samuel Hollander is an internationally respected intellectual economic historian. He says that a close reading of the works of Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill reveal them to be closet socialists. And further, that they would be alarmed by our modern day love affair with unfettered capitalism and depleted social safety nets." real audio.

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Forget the sailors

they've managed for centuries without a GPS, it's the citizens of Tokyo we need to be worried about.


Monday, August 16 1999 ←  → Wednesday, August 18 1999