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Thursday, January 04 2001

Sarah Musgrave : "For the last few months I've been hearing about "Web loggers,"

some community of underground trolls whose sole purpose in life is to mine the Web for precious gems of information. I imagined they spoke to each other in code, were only visible through Web cams and all lived in San Francisco or in somebody's basement. So when I met with local Web loggers Aaron Cope and Ed Bilodeau recently, I was pleased to see they actually drink beer and have a sense of humour."

refers to


The Conway Channel : It may say "yawnoC namiaD" on my door,

but that don't mean I'm always backward. Before he could open his yap, I let him have it: "What's your beef, tough guy?", I spat. He was a New Zealander, so I knew he was more likely on the lamb. He chewed on the question like it was some proteinaceous metaphor. Then he drawled: "I gotta bone to pick with you, Conway!". He swung my other chair round backwards and straddled it. My estimation of him went up a notch: my other chair's a La-Z-Boy. "It's about yer website," he grunted. "It's hurting my cones!". Although, there is no mention of it on the yapc site itself, Damian Conway's calendar indicates he will be in Montreal in June for this year's YAPC::America::North conference. Woohoo!

refers to


developerWorks : An Introduction to RDF

"Many proclaim that RDF is really the XML's killer app, and with good reason. Despite all this, RDF remains somewhat obscure. This is mainly because at its core RDF is very abstract, very dry, and very academic. With this article I hope to illustrate why RDF is very important to anyone interested in XML."

refers to


Joshua Allen : OPML and XSLT

"Since OPML is designed to represent information that real people usually want to look at, and since web browsers are accustomed to dealing with hierarchical data, OPML is an ideal fit. The following files allow you to view, edit, and format OPML files in a web browser..." Cool. This has always seems like The Right Thing to do with OPML; I just didn't know enough to write the code.

refers to


Nathalie Petrowski : "Or toutes ces choses confondues et mises bout à bout mènent directement à Montréal.

Pourquoi? Parce qu'un Canadien défroqué, gay et modérément antiaméricain qui choisit de vivre à Londres et d'y éditer un magazine raffiné, ne peut aimer qu'une ville au Canada et peut-être même en Amérique du Nord."

refers to


Wednesday, January 03 2001 ←  → Friday, January 05 2001