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Friday, November 10 2000

The Slashdot-weenies discuss electronic voting

"My change of heart came while listening to an NPR story last night. Election results for one county in Michigan were held up for two hours because some volunteers with ballots were barricaded in the building by a bear. A bear! What century is this?" Meanwhile, Peter Neumann chimes in with the following : "I would not trust a computerized voting system even if I had written it myself...", which ought to have a sobering effect on the whole idea but probably won't.

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"Ming is a C library for generating SWF format movies,

plus a set of wrappers for using the library from popular scripting languages like PHP, Python, and Ruby."

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National Post on the Ladies Afternoon Art Society

"The problem with the word performance is that it implies a distance from the audience, and we're just not like that. We want to be out and talking to people and getting to know them. We don't call it performance because we find it deters people from paying attention, and then they won't think of it in any other way. We are not artists, we are the Ladies Afternoon Art Society, out to help other people and to make things look nice."

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The Globe and Mail : "When Stockwell Day held up a magic-markered

sign saying "No 2-tier health care," decorum disappeared from the studio where political spinners sat watching last night's debate. ... Mr. Day was breaking the rules, and even his own advisers groaned audibly when he produced the crudely handmade sign. He hadn't consulted with them about the prop, and they knew immediately it was a bad idea." It's not just his politics that bother me. The problem with Stockwell Day is that he appears to have no appreciation for the subtleties of life. He's like that annoying brainiac you went to school with. The one who devoured encyclopaedia cover to cover and thought, not only, that he knew all the answers because of it but that it afforded him the right to lord it over you. The one with whom it was impossible to have any kind of intelligent or thoughtful discussion because the idea of conversation meant only an exchange of facts and statistics, devoid of any consideration for the other's point of view, designed to prove the error of your thinking. That, and he has terrible hand-writing.

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Thursday, November 09 2000 ←  → Saturday, November 11 2000